The Art of Makoto Kobayashi
- Dorvack Document
- Last Exile
- Hyperweapon
- Hyperweapon2
- AS Wars 1988
- AS Wars 1989
- AS Wars 1990
- Future Tanks
- Two Factory
- Dragonīs Heaven
- Earth Defenders
- Giant Robo
- Venus Wars
- The-O
- Neo-Geo
- Bound-Doc
- Mobile Suits
- Dorvack
- Misc. Designs
- Samurai 7
- Super Atragon

This book was the very first collection of Mr. Makoto Kobayashi works.
It was published by ModelArt

Hyperweapon book cover - Image courtesy of Mr. Jim Nevermann

Here is a book description, courtesy of Mr. Richard Spinks:
Hyper Weapon
2001 - 2984
                           book seems to be a technical history of military and civilian 
spacecraft and vehicles spanning the
                           years 2001 to 2984.  This history is 
depicted through Makoto's
                           models and illustrations.  No English text is 
present except for names
                           of vehicles and some page headings.  Still, 
this books showcases Makoto's
                           talents as a modeler and designer.       
 The first section of this is of photos of models that are supposed
be from specific time frames.  There seems
                           to be a history and technical 
specification of each vehicle. 
                           Most of these vehicles have multiple 
pictures, some in action (in battlefield or space) photos and
straighforward photographs of the model.
                           next section appears to be a story that is illustrated with very 
nicely done artwork by Makoto.  
The last section is a "making of" that shows in progress photos
                           of the 
models, and diagrams showing how he made them.

Model Art magazine advertisement showing books I and II - Images courtesy of Mr. Jim Nevermann